Yippie Ki-Yay, Mr. McCain

What made the internet angry this week? Derek and Dale get personal. Vancouverites are always upset about something, like lung-clogging forest fire smoke. John McCain died, and people have opinions. Trump and Mexico team up against evil Canada. Dale teaches us about dairy farming. We share our love of Chinese culture and bizarre Oreo flavors. Alcohol keeps making people do dumb things.

#What made the internet angry this week?

Derek and Dale get personal. Vancouver, the only city in the world where it's possible to get seasonal depression during summer. John McCain died, and people have opinions. Trump and Mexico team up against evil Canada. Dale teaches us about dairy farming. We share our love of Chinese culture and bizarre Oreo flavors. Alcohol keeps making people do dumb things. Is this landlord racist? And more!

Talking points:


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