Some Of My Friends Sell Subs

What made the internet angry this week? We decide the ultimate 'white dude owns this but has never read it' book of all time, Elon Musk makes a hard left turn to Bond villain after his advances are rebuffed by a bunch of Thai boys, Dale turns on his hero Jordan Peterson, we sell out to the alt-right, Amazon fails to keep up with demand on the shopping holiday they invented, why retail sucks, a fond farewell to Greyhound, Things That Gave Dale Gout.

#What made the internet angry this week?

We decide which book is the ultimate 'white dude owns this but has never read it' book of all time, Elon Musk makes a hard left turn to Bond villain after his advances are rebuffed by a bunch of Thai boys, Dale turns on his hero Jordan Peterson, we sell out to the alt-right, Amazon fails to keep up with demand on the shopping holiday they invented, why retail sucks, a fond farewell to Greyhound, Things That Gave Dale Gout.

Talking points:

'You Can Count on Me' by Trophy Eyes (Derek's pick)
'Dark Saturday' by Metric (Dale's pick)

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