177: It's a little warm for crust displacement
It’s an extra sweaty episode. Dale gets some conspiracy theories in early. Before the mini-ice age was the earth warmer than it is now? Dale explains Crust Displacement theory. Patrick didn’t come on the show. Where we are with our COVID mandates. The big hotshit UFO disclosure was nothing. Project Blue Beam and a space war over resources. Toronto-area priest, Monsignor Owen Keenan resigns after backlash from sermon on 'good done' in residential schools. The guys discuss what would happen if Churches started paying taxes. Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years. Washington-based CCTV company is offering jobs to remote workers in India to monitor stores in the US.
What made the internet angry this week?
Dale and Derek have recorded an extra sweaty episode for your listening pleasure and proceed to blame everything on how hot it is in Vancouver like over 30 celsius. Dale gets some conspiracy theories in early. Before the mini-ice age was the earth warmer than it is now? Dale explains Crust Displacement theory and how global warming could actually be preventing it and Derek is too hot to care. Patrick didn’t show up because he had COVID and his daughter recently got it. Where we are with our mandates. Compared to Alberta and the US. The big hotshit UFO disclosure turned out to be nothing and Dale has a couple conspiracy theories which we might have dodged, including project Blue Beam and a space war over resources. Toronto-area priest,Monsignor Owen Keenan resigns after backlash from sermon on 'good done' in residential schools. The guys discuss what would happen if Churches started paying taxes. Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years. Washington-based CCTV company is offering jobs to remote workers in India to monitor stores in the US. Dale made a podcast instagram account
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